It is hope, determination, and a display of human spirit that is unequaled.
And, of course, there is baseball!
There is something about playing the game that lights up a youngster’s eyes. But, for children facing physical and mental challenges, that opportunity can often be very difficult to achieve. Baseball diamonds were not exactly built with wheelchairs and crutches in mind.
The Miracle League removes the barriers of a natural grass field by playing on a custom-designed, rubberized field that accommodates wheelchairs and other assistive devices while helping to prevent injuries in case of a fall.
But, it’s more than just playing a game!
The Miracle League is about making new friends for the players and families, building self-esteem, and being treated with dignity.
The Miracle League uses a buddy system – pairing players with peers – the resulting bond between the buddy athletes is often indescribable joy!